Explorations + Code
In this space, I explore the intersection between ML technology and people science (i.e., IO Psychology).
Some of the ML code can be found on by clicking on the icons.
Recent Post(s)
🏷️ Zero-shot Classify Big 5 Personality
🧠🚀 Scaling Expertise 
Feb 25, 2021 📖 < 9 min read
TLDR: Snorkel is a fitting framework that promotes SMEs ability to impart their wisdom to scale.
Specifically, we
- Programmed functions in Python that mapped onto our SME ground truth gold labels
- Zero-shot predictions for the 35 factors/facets of the Big 5 personality taxonomy
- TextBlob sentiment
- Pattern-based heuristics (i.e., keywords)
- Created a generative model based on accuracies and correlations of our labeling functions
- Programmatically labeled all of our unlabeled responses
- Trained a machine learning model on all (previously unlabeled) data
- Strategy works with guidelines and ethical considerations for assessment center operations
🎙️ GPT-2 Interview Response 
Nov 12, 2020 📖 < 5 min read
It's been a turvy topsy year. I'm looking for someone or something to help lighten my workload. Let's interview the GPT-2 artificial intelligence language model – the gpt-2-simple
package – for the job
TLDR: After learning more about GPT-2 artificial intelligence's working style I am feeling optimistic.
Specifically, we
- Interviewed GPT-2 and asked it to describe it's work style
- Evaluated the GPT-2 interview response in terms of the O*NET work styles (WS)
- Top WS:
Concern for Others
,Attention to Detail
, andSocial Orientation
- Bottom WS:
Self Control
,Stress Tolerance
, andAchievement Effort
- Top WS:
- Used zero-shot classification to evaluate the responses
- GPT-2 response appears in keeping with the following occupations
🏷️ Zero-shot Classify Big 5 Personality 
Oct 27, 2020 📖 < 9 min read
Zero-shot learning (ZSL) – from the Transformers
package – is an exciting approach to classify text responses in terms of a label or set of labels not explicitly trained by a model.
TLDR: zero-shot looks like an excellent tool for lower-stakes measurement, but for higher-stakes settings such as evaluating someone for a job we need further evidence.
Specifically, we
- Classified scenario based text responses in terms of the Big 5 personality traits
- Psychometric validity evidence of ZSL was pretty encouraging
- Face validity – ZSL scores passed the eyeball test
- Convergent validity – ZSL scores were positively related to self-report scores of corresponding traits
- ZSL was a bit overzealous compared to expert gold standards
- ZSL did a nice job of classifying agreeable responses as agreeable
- ZSL struggled to classify only relevant responses as agreeable
- ZSL maintained an inter-rater agreement/reliability approximately 50% to goal